ketamine for anxiety

Ketamine has shown promise in helping to alleviate symptoms of anxiety, particularly in cases of treatment-resistant anxiety disorders. The medication's rapid and robust effects on anxiety are attributed to its impact on certain brain receptors and neurotransmitter systems. Ketamine's effects on another brain receptor, the AMPA receptor, further contribute to its anxiolytic (anxiety-reducing) properties. By stimulating AMPA receptors, ketamine facilitates the release of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein that supports the growth and maintenance of neurons. This mechanism has been linked to the improvement of anxiety symptoms. Research into ketamine's use for anxiety is still ongoing, and it is essential to consider individual factors and potential side effects before pursuing this treatment option.

do you feel on edge even when nothing is wrong?

Do you wake up already feeling overwhelmed?

do you struggle with intrusive or ruminating thoughts?

Do you have trouble sleeping because your brain won’t “turn off?”

ketamine can help